Gehäuselager | Findling Wälzlager

Housings for special purpose and extreme conditions

Housing bearings
Made from stainless steel or plastic

It’s impossible to imagine food technology and the packaging industry without them: corrosion-resistant housing bearings. Products made of stainless steel and plastic are available, as well as aluminum die-cast housing bearings with stainless steel inserts.

Download the catalog from our manufacturer FYH

Hybrid housing bearings
Housing made of stainless steel, bearing insert with ceramic components

Extreme temperatures or aggressive chemicals: Our range of hybrid housing bearings is unique in terms of functionality.

Download the catalog from our manufacturer FYH

Z-LOCK adapter sleeve
Innovative locking system with 360° contact

With the Z-LOCK locking system, all the disadvantages of an adapter sleeve are eliminated:

  • no separate components
  • simple installation
  • prevention of installation errors
Housing bearings

Cast iron housings are often a weakness in housing bearing technology. Low tensile strengths cause housings to break under high loads, while these loads pose no problem for bearing inserts. This is why the base design of our housing bearing from the manufacturer FYH was optimized. Result: a lighter design with a higher load capacity.

Housing bearings

High speeds, true running accuracy and low noise - not your typical housing bearing properties. All the more convincing are our products in the Xspeed series with such functionalities, which are in particularly high demand for ventilation technology.

UC, UB, EN, EW, CS,... series

Bearing inserts are the main rolling element of pillow blokcs and universal exchangeable within the housings. Statical misalignments can be compensated due to the spherical outer ring. Zylindrical outer rings are also available.

Baureihen P, PW, PA, PP
Baureihen F, FL, FW, PFL
Baureihen T, T-xx
Baureihe EH
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Die Anwendungsfälle, in denen Gehäuselager zum Einsatz kommen, sind sehr vielfältig.

Die einfache Art der Montage, der nahezu wartungsfreie Betrieb und die geringen Anforderungen an die Anschlusskonstruktionen (Ausgleich von Fluchtungsfehlern, vorgefertigte Montagebohrungen oder- gewinde) ermöglichen unkomplizierte Konstruktionen unter wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten.


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